Marcel Jongmans

Marcel Jongmans

Ik maak mensen enthousiast over zichzelf, de organisatie waar ze voor werken en nieuwe ideeën.

Stop visualizing!

man visualizing his goals

Have you ever wondered about the fastest way to achieve your life goals? We’ve all heard or read about it: visualization. Whether it’s in your mind or through a vision or mood board, the power of visualization is often emphasized.…

The biology of writing

Countless research studies have confirmed that the act of writing—not typing—notes significantly enhances memory retention. In fact, individuals who take the time to put pen to paper remember crucial details more effectively than those who rely on digital alternatives. By…

My Journey with Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins Unleash the power within bookcover

As a fourteen-year-old entrusted with babysitting my two young cousins, I found myself surrounded by a vast collection of books owned by my uncle. Amidst the sea of titles, one book stood out and captured my attention: “Unlimited Power” by…

The Timeless Wisdom of “The 7 Habits”

Highly effective people bookcover Stephen Covey

Unlocking the profound influence of a twentieth-century business classic, “The 7 Habits” continues to shine brightly three decades later, resonating with even greater relevance in our modern world. In an era where individuals face burnout and our planet battles unprecedented…

Loyal to yourself

Boekcover Ik zweer trouw

In every corner of the world, there are individuals who display extraordinary courage to protect and assist others. They are the military personnel who valiantly fight for the freedom of others, the firefighters who fearlessly rush into burning buildings to…

Can I ?! Etsy side hussle

Front of Etsy handbook

Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I’ve decided to put those enticing YouTube videos to the test, the ones promising a fortune of thousands of dollars per month. Can an AI-produced content shop on Etsy…