Categorie Nieuw Binnen

The biology of writing

Countless research studies have confirmed that the act of writing—not typing—notes significantly enhances memory retention. In fact, individuals who take the time to put pen to paper remember crucial details more effectively than those who rely on digital alternatives. By…

The art of sucking (at music)

A guitar player sitting againt a speaker

Do you ever feel like everyone else on Instagram is living the perfect life? Or that bands at concerts always sound flawless? It’s easy to forget the hard work and dedication that goes into achieving those moments of perfection. Take…

Can I ?!

Are you tired of scrolling through endless articles and videos about creating a side hustle or passive income? I certainly was. But then, I had an idea: what if I could create a platform that provided me with extra income,…

No free money

Money all dollars

Have you ever come across those YouTube videos or web pages claiming that making a passive income is as easy as creating a website, opening an Etsy shop, or becoming an Instagram influencer? They promise you can earn thousands of…

Solve a problem!

Do you know the difference between VHS and Betamax? What about between Apple and Intel? It may sound like an open door, but the answer lies in advertising. Back in the day, Betamax was a type of videotape used in…