Marcel Jongmans

Marcel Jongmans

Ik maak mensen enthousiast over zichzelf, de organisatie waar ze voor werken en nieuwe ideeën.

These boots are made for walking

walking feet in a forrest

Are you ready to stride into a healthier lifestyle? A global study involving 220,000 individuals has unleashed a resounding revelation: walking isn’t just good for you, it’s supercharged with benefits that can transform your health and vitality. So, drop the…

Conquering YouTube for Profitable Pursuits

guy showing how to make money on youtube

Dive into the dynamic world of online earning through YouTube and transform your dreams into lucrative reality. As you set your sights on this exciting goal, here are key steps and vibrant tips to kickstart your journey: Harness your goal-setting…

Unlocking Everlasting Love

Older couple in love

In the beautiful tapestry of a romantic relationship, personal growth threads its way as a key determinant of lasting happiness. As you set goals for your journey ahead, consider how becoming the best version of yourself can breathe vitality into…

Embracing Boredom

woman being bored out of her mind

In a world buzzing with constant activity and digital distractions, boredom often seems like an undesirable state. However, beneath its seemingly mundane facade lies a hidden treasure trove of mental and creative benefits that can truly transform your goal-setting journey.…